Purchasing what you need to complete a project can be time consuming. Once someone in your organization figures out what’s needed, they may have to search multiple websites, dig through catalogs, and go to stores to get it all. When this happens outside of Maximo, it can be difficult to track approvals and budget compliance, and it takes even more time to enter all of this data into Maximo. Integrating Varis into your Maximo system can streamline this process, not only saving you time, but also saving you money and making your entire process more efficient.
Varis is a consumer-like procurement technology that you can access directly from IBM Maximo to buy virtually everything you need. It’s better than a traditional punchout because you don’t have to go to multiple sites, even when you’re shopping across different categories. Just one search and one shopping cart. And it’s better than an integrated catalog, which can quickly become outdated.
Working with your Maximo partner, you can integrate Varis into your current Maximo processes for work orders and purchase requests, including approvals. This is typically a fairly simple process that can be accomplished in a matter of weeks with no change to your existing processes.
the time from demand to fulfillment with an easy-to-use, one-stop marketplace with all of your suppliers.
Save money by making it easier for users to purchase oncontract and leverage pre-negotiated Varis Connections contracts for more savings opportunities, particularly in categories you aren’t managing currently.
Realize a quick ROI by easily implementing this intuitive technology and simple integration in a matter of weeks with limited IT involvement.
Improve visibility and control by digitizing and automating manual paper-based processes and linking them to your Maximo Manage system, increasing procurement and finance efficiency.
Your curated marketplace.
Varis lets you control which suppliers are part of the marketplace. You can include all your existing supplier contracts and Varis pre-negotiated contracts with high-quality, category-spanning suppliers in a single shopping experience — all in one location accessible directly from Maximo Manage. So users always know where to go to find their approved suppliers. Leveraging Varis’ suppliers is like having a team of category managers working on your behalf. The fast-growing network currently has more than 1.5 million SKUs, spanning 15 categories. They are nationally credentialed suppliers Varis has vetted, that are able to meet multiple SLAs for customer service, such as availability, shipping, and returns.
Direct access from Maximo drives efficiency.
Incorporating Varis into your Maximo Manage workflow process streamlines the entire process. Users simply create a purchase request or work order through which they can access Varis. They make their purchases from a single site and submit them for approval in Maximo. The approving manager can see all of the details in Maximo and make a decision. Approved purchases are sent to the supplier for fulfillment. Supporting documentation is saved in Maximo, and you can see all spending on demand.
Who is Varis?
Varis is reimagining procurement to simplify the buying experience and transform the way buyers and suppliers connect, contract, and transact. Led by industry veterans who have built some of the world’s most successful B2B procurement solutions, Varis is built on proven technology recognized by industry analysts and customers. Billions of transactions are processed on Varis every month. Varis works with IBM Maximo partners and others to deploy solutions that drive customer value.